Master Your Housing Budget

Plan Smart, Live Comfortably: Setting Your Home-Buying Budget


Buying a home is an exciting journey filled with dreams and aspirations. It's a personal milestone that often comes with a mix of emotions, from exhilaration to anxiety. In the thrill of hunting for that perfect place, it’s easy to let your heart lead the way. But remember, while love at first sight can be enchanting, your budget carries you through.

Here at The Downs Group at Vellum Mortgage, we understand everyone's unique financial situation. That's why we believe in setting a realistic budget that allows you to buy your dream home and enjoy life after the keys are handed over. In this video series, John walks you through crafting a bulletproof budget that will empower you with the confidence you need to purchase your new home.

The #1 Question Homebuyers Ask!

"What percentage of my income should my housing payment be?"

In this video, you'll learn the dangers of following random percentages. Everyone is a Unicorn!

Ready to Dive Deeper?


From our first video, you’ve gained a solid understanding of how to think about personal budgets. Now, let’s put that knowledge into action. In our next video, we live the life of a local Washington, DC, resident earning a median income to build a real-life budget from the ground up. Together, we’ll start with the basics, laying out income and expenses and then fine-tuning the details.

We'll explore several possible mortgage payment options by making thoughtful adjustments and considering future financial scenarios. This hands-on approach will solidify your understanding of budgeting and equip you with the tools to assess what home you can confidently afford!

Take a deep dive into your personal budget!

Using this video as a guide, you can move through this worksheet to understand your spending patterns and uncover your ideal mortgage payment!

(Download The Worksheet Below)

Download Our Personal Budget Worksheet!

It's a daunting process, but well worth it!

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